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Business ethics

Fifth edition

How can you run an ethical business in an increasingly complex, multiple stakeholder world? There are no easy answers, but our award-winning textbook charts a course through all the latest theory and practice.

Cover of Business Ethics, Fifth Edition by Crane, Matten, Glozer and Spence

Decent work and economic growth in the South Indian garment industry

The world loves fast and cheap fashion, but workers at the bottom of the global fashion supply chain often bear the cost. In this report, we look for a better way. 

Cover of Decent Work and Economic Growth by Crane, Soundararajan, Bloomfield, Spence, and LeBaron

Corporate social responsibility

Second edition

CSR is loved and hated in equal measure but rarely very well understood. Our popular textbook provides all the necessary readings and cases to help you become an expert. 

Cover of Corporate Social Responsibility, Second Edition by Crane, Matten and Spence

Social partnerships and responsible business

Cross-sector partnerships are the latest frontier in the drive for more responsible business practice. This first comprehensive collection on the topic takes the pulse of the best scholarly research out there.

Cover of Social Partnerships and Responsible Business by Seitanidi and Crane

Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility

Few topics excite so much interest and debate as corporate social responsibility. For more than a decade this has been the definitive guide to the rapidly emerging scholarly literature.

Cover of Oxford Handbook of CSR by Crane, McWilliams, Matten, Moon, and Siegel

Corporations and citizenship

Can corporations be citizens? Or are they more like governments in the way they control society? Our groundbreaking book on the new political rols of companies dissects the different views.

Cover of Corporations and Citizenship by Crane, Matten and Moon


Follow the links to the published versions or find the free preprint versions in the links at the foot of the page to University of Bath or ResearchGate

How business can fight populism


Effective strategies for businesses to respond responsibly to populism.

Coping with personhood limbo among undocumented workers in Italy

Revealing how undocumented workers maintain some sense of their personhood in exploitative contexts.

Stakeholder existential authenticity and corporate social responsibility

Rethinking authenticity from the perspective of stakeholders to enhance their wellbeing

Role of social intermediaries in mitigating forced labor in global supply chains

How can NGOs acquire power to work with business to develop effective solutions to forced labor?

Hybrid (un)freedom in worker hostels in garment supply chains

Are worker hostels a source of freedom or slavery for young women garment workers in India?

Political CSR and populism

How should companies develop their CSR strategies in populist political contexts?

Humanizing research on working conditions in supply chains

How should supply chain research on working conditions change to meaningfully advance decent work? 

What’s next for the quantified scholar? Impact, metrics, and (social) media.

How can researchers leverage social media metrics to drive positive change?

COVID-19 and future of CSR research

How should the study of CSR change in the face of COVID-19 and the new normal? 

Confronting the business models of modern slavery

How have business models of modern slavery changed compared to historical forms of exploitation?

Organizational responses to mandatory modern slavery disclosure regulation

Why are universities unable to respond to the spirit of the UK Modern Slavery Act?

Modern slavery in business: the sad and sorry state of a non-field

What is the state of management research on modern slavery and how can it be enhanced? 

CSR communication and CSR practices:

pathways for walking, talking, and t(w)alking

How do CSR practices shape, and get shaped, by talking, and other communications?

Governance gaps in eradicating forced labor: from global to domestic supply chains

Why does forced labor flourish in local supply chains and what can be done about it?

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